URSSAF positions collaborative innovation at the heart of its corporate culture

ideas posted
+ 2000
challenges launched
+ 0
winning ideas

To accelerate its digital transformation and provide better service to its contributors, URSSAF launches Pépites, its first collaborative innovation program. The multi-instance feature of Yumana’s innovation management software provides the government agency with a global solution that gives each region all the autonomy it needs to manage its innovation portfolio.  

Discover how URSSAF is approaching 60% engagement rate and connecting teams across France around its collaborative program. 

Implementation time
Maturity level required
Long-term human impact
Long-term business impact

Collaborative innovation is a major element in our organizations. It puts the individual, whoever he or she may be, at the heart of the collective movement and makes shared ideas a source of added value.
However, it is necessary to have an adapted, efficient, intuitive and dynamic tool to collect and evaluate these ideas.
Today, we have Yumana’s idea management software that we use on a daily basis to manage our innovation portfolio.

We have always been in a relationship of trust and reciprocity with the Yumana teams. We have built relationships with people who have given us confidence in our approach, who have reassured us throughout our initiatives. For several years now that we have been working and cooperating together, we have found in these teams availability, reactivity, energy, listening, technicality and empathy.

Cyrille Sillans,
Product Manager, "Pépites" Participative Innovation Approach

the company

URSSAF (Unions de Recouvrement des cotisations de Sécurité Sociale et d’Allocations Familiales) oversees the collection and redistribution of the contributions needed to finance the French social model. 

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