Fabrique Abeille Assurances: A national citizen innovation contest

applications per year
+ 500
votes distributed per edition
+ 0 M
projects funded per edition

Each year, Abeille Assurances organizes a major national competition aimed at financially supporting the development of the social and environmental economy.  

To organize and operate this contest, the Yumana platform welcomes hundreds of thousands of visitors and records more than one million votes per edition.  

Find out how Yumana supports Abeille Assurances in the management of this breeding ground of citizen initiatives that have given birth to new flourishing businesses such as Yuka and Time for the Planet. 

Discover the website here

Implementation time
Maturity level required
Long-term human impact
Long-term business impact

the company

Aviva becomes Abeille Assurances, a major player in the French insurance industry. With its 4,300 employees, the insurance company’s ambition is to build a leading mutual group in order to offer the best possible protection to its policyholders. 

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