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years of experience
international clients
+ 0
year of creation


your communities to help you achieve sustainable results

At Yumana, we empower your communities to help you sustainably maximize your performance.

Our unique approach relies on 3 main pillars:

A 100% customizable digital platform

Our powerful software Suite is fully configurable. It has been evolving for more than 15 years, and incorporates the most recent technologies.
For instance, our artificial intelligence system will assist your communities throughout their whole journey on the platform, helping you achieve your goals.

A proven methodology

Our methodology was based on dozens of clients’ cases and co-constructed with them. Time and again, our clients’ success stories have proven that this methodology will transform your communities into committed actors of your performance.

A team of experts in collective intelligence

Collective intelligence is a wide subject and the Yumana team has mastered its various applications over the years. Innovation, Environmental performance and Operational excellence are topics well known by our specialists. Whether you have a question or a project you’d like to share with us, our experts will get back to you, assist you and help you achieve your goals.

Our values


We value creativity and originality. We aim to foster innovation within our company and our client’s communities to help them solve their issues and improve their overall performance.

Team spirit

“We go faster on our own but further together”. Collaboration is the reason Yumana was created. We are committed to ensure project transversality, team work and information sharing within every company we work with.


We thrive for excellence in all we do: our solutions, the corporate programs we launch, the platform we build and keep developing… We believe that for our approach to be successful, we need to be excellent first.


We work hard but make it a point to always stay cheerful! Our happiest part of the day? Coming in to work in the morning and knowing that we will spend the whole day shaping the world of tomorrow!


It might seem so obvious it is irrelevant, but to us, Respect is the golden rule. It affects our work at every level: between colleagues, regarding rules and deadlines and most importantly, towards our clients.


Meet the team

Ready to thrive in your innovation journey?

Don’t wait any longer, contact our experts today and join the Yumana community!

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