Intrapreneurship White Paper

(French version only)

Get a 360 view of intrapreneurship! 
In this publication, experts from all industries share their experience and tell you all there is to know about intrapreneurship.

Picture of Céline Degreef
Céline Degreef

CEO & Co-Founder Yumana

Heads of HR, Innovation Directors, Chief Intrapreneurship Officers or innovation and intrapreneurship lovers: this White Paper is made for you!

In this publication, you’ll find the keys to making your intrapreneurship program an absolute success: clients testimonies and use cases, examples of successful existing programs, tips and best practices to take your program to the next level…

Whether you’ve already launched your intrapreneurship program or are still at the planning phase, you’ll find everything you need in this Whipe Paper.

Don’t wait any longer: start innovating now!

Discover our publications

Innovation, from myth to reality

How to innovate with certainty?

Ofer Attali, Co-founder of Yumana, shares his 15 years of experience in collaborative innovation. (book in French)

The Intrapreneurship Barometer

Major trends for 2025, best practices, recommendations...

Discover the results of the first Intrapreneurship barometer in these 25 pages of analysis.

Ready to launch your collaborative program?

Contact our team of experts and join the Yumana community!

Baromètre de
l’intrapreneuriat 2024

50 pages d’analyse qui constitue l'étude de référence sur les pratiques des grandes entreprises en matière d’intrapreneuriat.

Télécharger maintenant

Barometer 2024

50 baseline study of 50 pages on the practices of large European companies in the field of intrapreneurship.

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