Get your business communities onboard to improve your operational performance.

With Yumana’s solution, give your communities the right tools to share their best practices with ease. By transforming these local initiatives into ready-to-use solutions, accelerate their deployment on a large scale and maximize operational performance at all levels of your organization.

Operational performance

Business communities committed on the long run to improving the company’s performance on a daily basis.

HR Performance

Engage HR communities & managers to enhance employee experience.

With Yumana’s platform, we share and disseminate Best Practices across our global network of 40 plants. Exchanges between sites and countries are easier now. The platform boosts cooperation and allows all users to share turnkey solutions to be more efficient and agile.

Patricia Schneider,
Corporate Q&EHS
Data & Solutions Director,

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continuous improvement?

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Employee experience

Discover how to enhance your company's employee experience with Yumana's 4-step methodology.
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