
Make our experience accessible to all, and provide food for though about innovation and operational excellence.


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The Intrapreneurship Barometer

Major trends for 2025, best practices, recommendations...

Discover the results of the first Intrapreneurship barometer in these 25 pages of analysis.

from myth to reality

How to innovate with certainty?

Ofer Attali, Co-founder of Yumana, shares his 15 years of experience in collaborative innovation. (book in French)

Intrapreneurship White Paper

Intrapreneurship at a glance

Whether your intrapreneurship program has already been launched or is still at the project stage, this white paper will guide you through the process and give you all the keys to success. (in french)

Our mission is to guarantee the success of your corporate innovation and operational excellence programs.

Céline & Ofer
Co-founders of Yumana
les fondateurs de Yumana

The latest resources

The 3 pillars of sustainable development

Discover the 3 pillars of sustainable development: environmental, social and economic.
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Corporate innovation: The keys to success

Corporate innovation: How it works? Successfully launching a corporate innovation program is therefore crucial, because it is the founding stone of a

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Innovative ideas: how do you spot them and turn them into reality?

Yumana shares some tips on how to identify an innovative idea and assess its implementation potential.
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What does disruptive innovation mean?

Yumana gives you the keys to understanding what a disruptive innovation is and measuring the effects it can produce.
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What are the different types of innovation?

Decoding types of innovation: Yumana provides a benchmark and a practical guide for innovation professionals.
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Incremental innovation: Definition and examples

Incremental innovation to involve your employees in your corporate innovation program.
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Ready to launch your collaborative program?

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Baromètre de
l’intrapreneuriat 2024

50 pages d’analyse qui constitue l'étude de référence sur les pratiques des grandes entreprises en matière d’intrapreneuriat.

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Barometer 2024

50 baseline study of 50 pages on the practices of large European companies in the field of intrapreneurship.

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